You can sit in your bedroom with the door shut. If You can

4 min readNov 30, 2020

In today’s tech-savvy world, it is very fundamental to continue patching up your range of abilities. Also, when you search for top ten highly demanded and well paid technical skills, you’re quite certain to find web development pop up. One of the many reasons that made web development a popular career among individuals, is that it does not require any degree; individuals from any foundation, who have the interest to learn, adequate tolerance and time to commit can fabricate a profession in web development.

If you’re into notebooks like me, you probably dictate certain purposes for each. You can’t take a certain note in a book designed for a different purpose. Not so with the Squirrel Notebook. It’s a catch-all.

August Birch (AKA the Book Mechanic) is both a fiction and non-fiction author from Michigan, USA. As a self-appointed guardian of writers and creators, August helps indies who want to make work that sells and sell work they make. When he’s not writing or thinking about writing, August hangs-out with his beautiful wife and handsome son, carries a pocket knife, and shaves his head with a safety razor.
To put in simple words, web development refers to building and maintaining websites. It is what makes the websites eye appealing, fast, and responsive by using a variety of coding languages.
Keanu Reeves was the first person to make me believe in a quieter world. I was so busy running around for years making a giant noise, that I missed the simple act of being quiet.

We should begin by clearing the famous confusion about HTML! No, HTML is not a programming language. It makes the skeleton or structure of your webpage. It is a markup language in which we use simple code structures (tags and attributes) to mark up a website page. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1993. It is the most mainstream worldwide acknowledged language used to make web pages on the internet. Other uses of HTML include web document creation, navigation through the internet, responsive images on web pages, etc. At the end of the day, the developer can put applications of HTML concepts in real-time usage.

I’ve found by using my Squirrel Notebook as an idea dustpan, it allows me to get all those distracted thoughts from my melon, so I can return-focus to the content at hand.

The solution will be action, not more talking to gain financial incentives that make the original problem bigger. Look at the loudest person in the room who gets biased incentives and I’ll show you the most important problem.Measuring your application’s performance just got easier thanks to Web Vitals. This library allows you to accurately measure metrics like First Input Delay (FID), Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).Create React App 4 brings support for Workbox, a powerful library from Google. With Workbox, you can leverage preaching and runtime caching to make your PWAs feel like native applications.

With a major release, comes breaking changes. The update to ESLint 7 and various ESLint plugins require changes to your configuration or code. The update to Jest 26 may break some of your tests, especially if you are relying on mocks not being reset.

I’ve worked for years in the corporate world where the loudest idiot got all the promotions and took home all the money. The world is shifting. The problems of 2020 and beyond need different solutions.
It doesn’t have to be fancy meditation either, complimented by a gorgeous app full of peaceful landscapes and sound effects. You can just sit down and shut up. When you do, the noise decreases in volume.
With a major release, comes breaking changes. The update to ESLint 7 and various ESLint plugins require changes to your configuration or code. The update to Jest 26 may break some of your tests, especially if you are relying on mocks not being reset.

It is also known as client-side development is responsible for the structure, beauty, and brain of the website. It is the part of the website that interacts with the user; ensuring that when the users open the website, the information is visible to them in a format that is easy to read and understand. In spite of the fact that the field of front-end development is very immense with a plethora of tools and techniques, it is it is prudent to begin and ace Html(Hypertext Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and JavaScript.

Starting with something new can always be a little intimidating. Believe me, I was in your shoes a few months ago. It will be a quick overview of various advancements used in front-end web development keeping the viewpoint of a flat out amateur. I will also link a bunch of highly recommended resources to enhance your learning experience.

August Birch (AKA the Book Mechanic) is both a fiction and non-fiction author from Michigan, USA. As a self-appointed guardian of writers and creators, August helps indies who want to make work that sells and sell work they make. When he’s not writing or thinking about writing, August hangs-out with his beautiful wife and handsome son, carries a pocket knife, and shaves his head with a safety razor.

As you consume content (read, watch, listen), your mind will occasionally wander. If you’ve got my mind there’s more wander than attention-payment. Every time you get a little wander, tune-in instead of tune-out. If you get an idea that might be worth something, write it down. If you forgot something on the grocery list, write it. If you have a new story idea, write it.

